My Friend's Revenge On A Piece Of Cheese, And How I Beat MC With A Twist Again.
Reading the title, your brain could generate several different ways on how my friend got his revenge on a piece of cheese, but we'll start from the beginning. My friend's name is Ethan, and he's brilliantly funny and he hates carrots. Yeah. That's literally the first thing you need to know about him.😄 But he resists the (apparantly terrifying) carrots by eating cheese. A lot of cheese. I had never seen anyone consume this much cheese ever in my life, until I met Ethan. Today, he sucsessfully managed to get his revenge on a piece of cheese by... throwing it across the classroom, chucking it out of the window, stepping on it, and subsequently told off by our teacher. But what had the cheese ever done to him? It joined the side of the carrots. Dun Dun Duuuun! Plot twist I know, but it's not as dramatic (even for me)... unless you're Ethan. Ethan had his normal cheese for lunch, but his unsuspecting Mum put carrot sticks in his lunch. And one piece of cheese ha...